Number 53
The number 53 has nothing to do with The Love Bug… But now the number means I hit a goal and milestone. This blog post is #53 and quite an accomplishment for myself. For one year, I have written and published a blog post every week. I knew that consistency is key and a year ago when I set out to start the blog, I committed to publish once a week. Committing and sticking to writing was tough as I have never considered myself to be a writer. I’m not sure that I can say that anymore since writing is now a part of my weekly routine!
I am not certain I knew where this blog would go or what I would get out of it. I have experienced great conversations, opportunities, frustration, and satisfaction. I did not set out with metrics to say what success meant, other than my commitment to 1 blog per week. So, I can consider this a success based on that metric. As I scroll through the titles I am reminded of ones make me proud and of the posts that I know were not great and only served to hit my weekly goal without thought to quality. In fact, not many of them had a focus on quality… maybe I can try to improve on that for the future.
Speaking of the future, this blog will continue past year 1. I don’t have any plans to stop, although it may look different or serve a different purpose. I keep saying I am going to improve the design and layout but that takes time. Time is precious and other priorities always creep above designing a website (to which I really don’t know what I am doing)! I have some ideas and new projects that will probably get mentioned and quite possibly might shift the focus of this blog. If I can make it for one year, there shouldn’t be anything stopping me from continuing on well into the future.
I would love to hear your thoughts or ideas for what you would like to read. Would videos be cool? Tips and tricks? More stories? Help me celebrate this year of blogging by leaving a comment. If you have not checked out all of the previous 52 posts then go ahead and take a stroll down the list… I can’t promise that they are all good, but they are all out there for you to find. Find your favorite one and leave me a comment on it so I know it’s a good one.
Thank you for following along and supporting! Here’s to another year of learning new things and accomplishing our goals.