Did you set a New Years Resolution for 2016? Research shows that 45% of Americans usually make a New Year’s Resolution. We are 3 months into 2016 and means 36% of you have not kept up your resolution!1 As we get set to roll into April, it’s time to stay focused or renew your focus on resolutions and goals.

I realized last week that I had fallen off my plan for my fitness goal this year. Not to be frustrated, I started thinking about how to complete the goal even though I had missed several weeks. I’m getting back on track, thanks to warmer weather and the ability to get outside and exercise. Knowing that I have 3/4 of the year left to make it happen keeps me from getting discouraged.

Your goals can be adjusted, postponed or rewritten, but don’t ever forget about them. Goals are important to keep you focused on what is important. Setting a goal shouldn’t me a light affair and that means you took time to set and plan what you wanted to accomplish. You may need to start over or pick up where you left off, and that is okay. Would you give up and pull out all your teeth just because you missed one day of brushing or flossing? I would have had dentures long ago if that were the case! This may be an extreme example, but it gets the point across.

Don’t give up just because you missed a day or a few steps toward your goal. There are 9 months left in 2016 and plenty of time to go after your resolutions. Month-end and the start of a new quarter are great reminders to stay focused and re-evaluate your goals. Use this week to get back on track!


1New Year’s Resolutions– Statistic Brain.”
2015 Statistic Brain Research Institute, publishing as Statistic Brain.
Research Date: December 27th, 2015

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