I hope you can take some time today to enjoy your blessings. Being content with what you have and where you are can be hard sometimes, especially in tough times. Regardless of your current situation or surroundings, you should always find something to be thankful for.

Being discontent can drive you towards better things and motivate you to reach your goals. But discontent can also carry beyond your current situation and cause frustrations when you do reach your goals. If you are constantly reaching for more because you aren’t satisfied then you should stop and look to what you already have. Find contentment for what you do have then you can plan where you want to go with your goals.

There is a healthy level of discontent. Too little discontent and you will be complacent, never doing your best or trying to get better. Too much discontent will cause you to never be satisfied. I have struggled in the past with contentment.I always wanted more and better things even though I reached and even exceeded my goals. I was able to set realistic goals and be joyful in my situations only when I found appreciation and a healthy amount of discontent.

Finding appreciation and correct level of discontent can be hard sometimes but it sets your foundation for reaching to new goals. Don’t let this hamper you from reaching your goals. Send me an email if you need help finding the right balance of appreciation and contentment, I am happy to help.

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