My boys and I were playing outside this morning when they began throwing pinecones over and through the 2nd story playhouse. On a particular throw of the pinecones, one landed just on the outside of the roof of the playhouse. My oldest wanted to climb up to get it, so he started working his way up the outside. Unsuccessful after 5 minutes, he was starting to get discouraged. I knew there was a simple solution, but I didn’t want to take away from his experience. Before he completely gave up, I told him to go into the playhouse to see if there was another option. He was excited when he found he could just reach out from the inside and grab the pinecone. I did not have to tell him to go grab the pinecone, I just helped him discover the easiest path and do it for himself.

I saw a quote recently, “Don’t make the solution more complicated than the problem.” Sounds like a good motto for church, life and business. The old KISS principle seems so cliché, but it works. Keep It Super Simple!

At times, we make things more difficult than they have to be. I have created elaborate stories in my head or complex plans just to avoid a simple task that was frightening to me. Other times, I don’t slow down enough to think of the simplest solution. Sometimes my biases blind me from seeing certain things. Helping my son today opened my eyes to regular occurrences like this. I love helping my boys discover things and helping others see the simple paths to success. Even adults need this. 

This is why it is so great to have coaches, mentors, and trusted friends in my life. Often, the easiest paths or the right decision is right in front of my face. Yet it is easier for someone else to see than for me to realize what I am missing. I’m grateful for those of you who help point me in the right direction and keep me from working against myself.

Leave a comment below and tell me about how others have helped you keep it simple. 

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