The traffic on my morning commute has been lighter on the last 2 days. The holiday lull has set in and people are taking vacation, spending time with family, traveling and cramming into shopping malls! It is a wonderful time of year when we can slow down, celebrate Christ’s birth and getting ready for a new year. Take a moment to look back and enjoy the past year, I hope you had a great one.

Reflection is a great tool when thinking about your continuing or new goals.
I tend to end up with two conclusions when reflecting. The first is a feeling of accomplishment. Remembering the goals I completed and progress made on others. I love remembering how my children grew and learned new skills, the trips we took. The second conclusion is one of disappointment. I didn’t complete all my goals, which can be disheartening.
This year was a mixed bag for me. Some successful goals and a couple that did not get finished. Overall, it was a great year with a lot of accomplishments. I’m happy with where I am. Now, I will use the next couple of weeks to review my goals and set new goals or adjust to continue the current ones.

How was your year? Did you set out to reach defined goals? Did you accomplish everything you set out to do? Take this time to enjoy the slowdown. Renew your commitment to your goals or reset with new goals.

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